Sunday, November 9, 2014

So The Children Will Not Have To Fall

Hello Everyone It has been a really long time since I visited here...As a small homestead farm summers and most of the fall goes by with really busy hands and not a lot of time to sit and write but now that the cold weather has found us once again I have time to write a little...Today I am going to share with y'all a poem that I wrote...It is about the many senseless deaths of children in the world today at the hands of their own parents or other caregivers who are supposed to love and protect them...It shows my confusion as to why this is happening when to me there is always a better solution...

So The Children Will Not Have To Fall
There is so much turmoil in this world today...
I cannot understand it all...
I wish that we could find a way...
So children will not have to fall…

I wish that there were more love…

And parents could make the right call…
Look to God above…
So children will not have to fall…

Don’t hurt the littlest ones I pray…

For they are precious above all…
Find a way to safety today…
So children will not have to fall...

Ó Frances Glennon  
November 4, 2014

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